The Critical Effects of Construction Industry Workplace Accidents on Employee Mental Health
Workplace accidents in the South African construction industry are a serious concern. Common hazards include workers falling from heights, being struck by objects, coming into contact with exposed electrical wiring, and other workplace hazards. According to the 2024 accident statistics released by The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company (FEM) in June 2024 pertaining to insured FEM beneficiaries, a total of 6 268 construction-related workplace accidents occurred in 2023. Of these, 54 resulted in the loss of life. Not detracting from any of the above major incidents, motor vehicle accidents continue to be the leading cause of fatal occupational injuries. Notably, FEM statistics only account for approximately half of the formal construction workforce (i.e. workers whom FEM insures). The reality is far more dire once the balance of the formal workforce and the vast informal construction sector are factored in.